Student Billing – Refunds
If I anticipate a credit balance on my account due to Financial Aid, what are my options for receiving the refund?
You have two options: you may request a refund or request the funds be held and applied to your next semester balance. If you want the funds to be held until the next semester, please contact the Business Office at or 913-360-7403.
I want a refund. How can I receive my credit balance?
Once all the funds are received and posted to your account, your credit balance will be available generally within 5-7 working days, but no later than 14 days. Students are encouraged to sign up for electronic refunds, as described below. Student refunds will not occur prior to the start of the semester in order to meet enrollment verification guidelines. Priority processing will be given to those students participating in direct deposit/electronic refunds:
- You may opt to receive your refund via direct deposit to a bank account of your choosing through e-Refund, which can be set up through the third party vendor TouchNet, accessible through the “View and Pay my Account” link on RavenZone. Then choose the Electronic Refunds link to enroll. Care should be taken by the student to enter the banking information accurately, in order for the eRefund to be successfully processed.
- This is the College’s preferred method of disbursing all student refunds:
- Direct deposit is safe, secure and quicker than paper checks.
- You do not have to wait for the Business Office to go through the process of printing, folding and stuffing envelopes.
- You do not have to wait for a paper refund check to arrive at your home address.
- You do not have to worry about getting to the bank before it closes, as when you deposit a paper check.
- There is protection against theft or loss.
- You may request a paper check refund that will be mailed to your home address. Refund checks should be cashed promptly, as checks over 180 days (approximately 6 months) are considered stale-dated and may be voided and returned to the federal government, per Federal Title IV regulations.
Can an eRefund (direct deposit) be made to any bank?
Benedictine College can direct deposit to any U.S. financial institution with electronic funds transfer capabilities, as most banks participate in the electronic funds transfer network. Contact your bank if you have any questions about the bank’s ability to accept direct deposit.
How will I know when funds have been deposited in my bank account?
Notification will be sent to your Benedictine email account.
How do I enroll in eRefund?
Log into your RavenZone account, and go to “View and Pay my Account”. This will take you to Benedictine’s third party provider secure web page, TouchNet, where you need to click on “Electronic Refund” link” which only takes a few minutes to enroll. If you anticipate a refund, please enroll as soon as possible to allow the banking verification of your account information to be completed, which takes at least five business days. If an error occurs during the validation process, the financial institution will notify the college’s Business Office. The Business Office will then notify the student and authorized user. The student is solely responsible for correcting the error; the corrected banking information will then be re-validated by the student’s financial institution. Which will then start the validation process over.
Can my parents get their PLUS loan refunds through direct deposit?
This functionality is not currently available; however, Benedictine will continue to work toward making this a possibility.